Machete Vilches: High-Stakes Slot Streamer Profile

  • Streamer Name:
    Machete Vilches
  • Real Name:
    Brian Vilches
  • Date of Birth:
    June 8, 1996
  • Place of Birth:
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Streaming Content:
    Casino Games, Fortnite, Just Chatting, Reaction Videos
  • Net Worth:
  • Streamer’s Socials:

Machete_Vilches, otherwise known as Brian Vilches or Machete for short, is a popular streamer and YouTuber from Argentina. He originally started off making gaming content, gaining a lot of traction with Fortnite, and continuously posting videos on his YouTube channel until about two years ago. Nowadays it’s all gambling on YouTube and Twitch.

He’s managed to strike a balance that many other content creators struggle to achieve, producing both gambling and gaming content.

Come with us as we take a look at Machete Vilche’s career, breaking down his net worth, branding, streaming journey, schedule, and more!

Machete Vilches’ Profile Overview

Real Name:Date of Birth:Place of Birth:Machete Vilches Age:Twitch Followers:Youtube Subscribers:Business Contact:Net Worth:
Brian VilchesJune 8, 1996Buenos Aires, Argentina29145,000141, $500,000

Social Media:

Streaming Content:

Machete Vilches’ Profile Picture and Branding

Machete Vilches profile image on facebook

Machete_Vilches initially started off with a much more “family-friendly” vibe to his stream than he has today. During his gaming and Fortnite days, he didn’t necessarily censor himself, but his content was definitely more attractive to a younger audience.

Since about 2022, Vilches has completely turned his career towards gambling, or more specifically online slots—a niche aimed at an adult audience.

Machete Vilches’ Net Worth & Earnings Overview

Machete Vilches isn’t poor by any stretch of the imagination, bringing in decent money from his streams, videos, and sponsorships. Compared to the average person in his home country of Argentina, he’s really living the high life.

Wondering how much you can earn as a slot streamer in general? Read the deets here.

Estimated Net Worth

With the longevity of his streaming career and his decent-sized community, Machete has managed to make his own small fortune of $500,000 in the last several years. Compared to guys like XQC, it may not be huge, but it’s a sizable chunk of change for an Argentinian.

Machete Vilches’ Income Streams

Machete Vilches’ Streaming Journey and Background

The Argentinian streamer first started creating content in 2017 as a YouTuber, sharing his passion for FIFA with 100 videos on his main channel. However, in 2018, he transitioned to his secondary channel, Machete Random, and began live-streaming Fortnite.

His series, “Esperando Temporada,” gained significant traction, featuring late-night live streams dedicated to Fortnite leaks and subscriber interactions. To streamline his content, he renamed his original channel to Machete X, focusing on unboxings, console gaming, and music reactions.

Following this, he then switched his content towards online slot streaming, which he continues to make to this day.

Career Progression & Major Achievements

These milestones are just one of the many signs that he’s been crushing it with steady growth and major gains.

Machete saying thanks to his fans on Instagram for reaching 100k followers on Twitch

Machete saying thanks to his fans for reaching 100k followers on Twitch (photo by @machetevilches on Instagram)

Favorite Games & Streaming Style

Machete Vilches is really known for his community-oriented approach, where he actively speaks and jokes with his chatters, creating a fun environment to bet in.

Favorite Types of Slot Games:

Machete Vilches’ Favorite Slot Games

Bold Streaming Style

As is the case with many slot streamers, Machete Vilches has a rather bold streaming style, emphasizing big wins with his huge personality. Unlike many other online slot streamers, he had to start off making normal gaming content, which ended up helping him keep audiences entertained even when the gameplay was lacking.

Streaming Schedule and Platform Presence

Vilches may not stream as much as he used to in the past, but he still manages to bang out at least two sessions a week. Normally, he streams every night after midnight for about 3 hours. 

Streaming DaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Streaming Times (UTC -3)12 AM – 3 AM12 AM – 2:30 AM12 AM – 3:30 AM12 AM – 2:30 AM12 AM – 2:30 AMNANA

Platform Link

Machete_Vilches has moved around a lot over the years, switching from channel to channel; however, as of 2024, he is most active on the Machete Vilches Twitch channel and on his gambling YouTube channel Machete FSS.

Want more behind-the-scenes stories of top slot streamers like Vilches? Follow us on X and Instagram for exclusive bios and updates!

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