Trainwreck Calls Out Twitch CEO for Seeking Approval from Select Streamers

TrainwrecksTV, a popular gaming streamer on Kick, called out Twitch CEO Dan Clancy for allegedly trying to gain approval from a select group of streamers on the platform.
The list of supposedly favored streamers wasn’t explicitly stated, but he alluded to a couple of groups making content.
During his October 21, 2024 stream, he was clipped stating:
“Usually when there’s like a boss that runs something, everyone else around them will push for the approval of that boss. I don’t know why it feels this way with Dan, but if it feels like Dan is pushing for the approval of the streamers around him.”
This is not the first time Train has called out Twitch, nor will it be the last most likely, but he was really quite inflammatory with his wording, especially when he said:
“It feels like Dan is pushing for the approval of the streamers around him.”
Since Train’s outburst, Twitch hasn’t made any official statement, although they did take down many clips from his channel.
Twitch Track Record of Favoritism
Twitch has had many issues with supposed favoritism for years now, dating back to the early 2010s. It started with girl gamer streamers getting more leeway regarding conduct, leading up to hot tub streamers and specific creators being able to advertise pornographic websites on their streams.
Since then, Twitch has supposedly taken a much firmer stance on its rules; the only problem is that they selectively enforce them. There are still many female IRL streamers, with Twitch employees simply for them in chats daily and making sure they don’t get touched.
Not only that, many of the AMP and OfflineTV members seem to have far more breathing room when it comes to what they can and cannot do, as Train was likely eluding to.
There are many reasons for this favoritism, but the largest is likely Twitch’s desire to no longer pay bank-busting contracts to their biggest creators.
If they create an environment where certain streamers feel invisible, they may feel like they don’t have to offer as competitive deals as Kick and YouTube Streaming monetarily speaking.
Those massive streaming fees on channels like Asmongold’s alt are really starting to eat away at Twitch’s already negative bottom line.
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