BWPtwitch: Engaging Slot Streamer and Community-Focused Gamer Profile

  • Streamer Name:
  • Name:
    Tero L (aka BigWinPictures)
  • Nationality:
  • Streaming Content:
    Slot games
  • Website:
  • Net Worth:
  • Streamer’s Socials:

Popular Finnish streamer BWPtwitch has been on the rise over the last two years, skyrocketing in popularity and going from a little over 200 viewers a stream to 1,400. While his only content is online slots, his outgoing and friendly personality has helped him punch far above his weight class in terms of average viewership. His follower count is just shy of 30,000.

Moreover, his calmer demeanor, when compared to many other top slot streamers, is kind of a breath of fresh air for the genre, as he doesn’t scream and cuss every time he wins. Don’t get us wrong; he pops off when he wins, but it’s nothing like XQC, for example.

In this article, we will be diving into BWPtwitch’s career thus far, his income, future, plans and much more.

BWPtwitch Profile Overview

Name:Nationality:Twitch Followers:Affiliate Partners: Streaming Content:Website:Net Worth:
Tero L (aka BigWinPictures)Finnish29,300Winnerz, Winz, Super Nopea,, Casino ViceSlot>$500,000

Profile Image and Branding

Profile Image and Branding of BigWinPcitures BWPTwitch

BigWinPictures sticks to a more vague branding scheme than most other slot streamers, basing the brand less on his own identity and more on general gambling.

BWPtwitch Net Worth & Earnings

BWPTwitch hasn’t been in the game as long as many other top slot streamers, slightly cutting into his overall net worth. With his average viewership, he is likely making a pretty penny, but compound interest will give the largest streamers much bigger pots of cash.

Nonetheless, BWP Twitch isn’t struggling by any means. He is making plenty of money and gambling a lot of it on his stream.

Key Income Streams of BWPtwitch

Lifestyle & Personal Highlights

BWP isn’t terribly public about his private life, sharing very little on stream and keeping his social media profiles rather low-key. That said, he does post pictures of himself and his friends playing badminton, having drinks, and gambling, all very normal pastimes for a man his age. He’s a good friend of fellow streamer Roosteeni as well.

Overall, he seems like a pretty normal guy, albeit a guy who has a decent amount of money to throw around on nice food and vacations. 

BWP exploring the Côn Đảo Islands in Vietnam (image by @bigwinpictures on Instagram)

BWP exploring the Côn Đảo Islands in Vietnam (image by @bigwinpictures on Instagram)

Streaming Journey & Career Path of BWPtwitch

Tero might have officially started streaming in 2022, but he was already quite experienced in the niche. Before becoming a streamer, he worked for 14 years as a slot supervisor at Casino Helsinki from 2000 to 2014, getting to know the ins and outs of the gambling world. This inspired him to open his first website, BigWinPictures, and run his own company. Backed by knowledge and loyal casino partnerships, he’s been climbing the ladder quicker than most other Twitch slot streamers. From averaging 200 viewers in his first month of gambling to now peaking over 3,000 viewers on some occasions.

Due to the size of Finnish gambling, he will likely never be a 10k Andy, but he’ll likely continue to thrive in the niche.

BWPTiwtch followers’ growth and hours watched from July 2022 to January 2025 (source:

BWPTiwtch followers’ growth and hours watched from July 2022 to January 2025 (source:

Top Slot Games on BWPtwitch’s Channel

Streaming Days and Hours for BWPTwitch

In general, BigWinPictures is online every Monday to Thursday on Twitch from 4:30 PM to 10:30 PM (EET). However, you could still see him live streaming on a random Friday or Saturday.







4:30 PM – 10:30 PM

4:30 PM – 10:30 PM

4:30 PM – 10:30 PM

4:30 PM – 10:30 PM

Memorable Wins on BWPtwitch’s Channel

BWPhas had some incredible slot stream moments that you don’t want to miss:

BWPtwitch’s Social Media and Contact Info

Apart from his slot live streams, BigWinPictures is quite active on social media. You can catch him on Instagram and X most of the time, where he keeps everyone updated on his wins and chats with fans. His profiles really show off his double life as a streamer and a casino entrepreneur.

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